iOS 16.4.1 performance Archives - Gotta Be Mobile Mobile Tech News & Reviews Wed, 16 Aug 2023 18:51:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 iOS 16.4.1 performance Archives - Gotta Be Mobile 32 32 iOS 16 Problems: 5 Things You Need to Know Wed, 16 Aug 2023 18:50:25 +0000 iOS 16 Problems: 5 Things You Need to Know is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.

Apple’s iOS 16.6 update fixes some issues, but there are still a number of problems plaguing iOS 16 and the iPhone as we push away from the company’s latest software release. iOS 16.6 has important fixes on board and some iPhone users are noticing an improvement after upgrading to the latest version of iOS 16. […]

iOS 16 Problems: 5 Things You Need to Know is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.

iOS 16 Problems: 5 Things You Need to Know is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.

Apple’s iOS 16.6 update fixes some issues, but there are still a number of problems plaguing iOS 16 and the iPhone as we push away from the company’s latest software release.

iOS 16.6 has important fixes on board and some iPhone users are noticing an improvement after upgrading to the latest version of iOS 16.

On the flip side, some iPhone users have already run into a variety of bugs and performance issues. Some of these issues have carried over from older iOS software, others are brand new.

In this guide to iOS 16 problems we’ll take you through the current state of these issues. We’ll show you where to find potential fixes for the most common iOS 16 problems and provide you with some resources that will help if you run into trouble.

We’ll also touch on the state of the iOS downgrade and outline what you can expect from Apple and iOS 16 down the road.

iOS 16 Problems

The current list of iOS 16 problems includes some very common issues. We’re currently seeing complaints about the following problems:

  • UI lag
  • AirPlay issues
  • Touch ID and Face ID issues
  • Safari issues
  • Battery life problems
  • Issues with the Mail app
  • iMessage issues
  • GPS issues
  • Problems with AirDrop
  • Issues with iMovie and Final Cut Pro
  • Spotlight problems
  • Data transfer issues
  • Camera issues
  • Wi-Fi problems
  • App Store problems
  • Bluetooth problems
  • CarPlay issues
  • Lockups, freezes, and crashes

We expect the list of iOS 16 problems to grow as more iPhone users transition from iOS 15 to iOS 16 and from older versions of iOS 16 to the latest version.

If you haven’t downloaded the newest version of iOS 16 yet, we recommend preparing your iPhone for the download. Some prep work ahead of time can help you avoid major headaches.

We’ve put together a step-by-step pre-installation process and it will take you through the best way to prepare for the move.

Where to Find iOS 16 Reviews

If you’re currently running iOS 16 on your iPhone, or if you’re planning to upgrade, you’ll want to sift through feedback from other users. This feedback will alert you to potential problems and performance issues others are having on the same iPhone model.

We’ve released our list of reasons to, and not to, install Apple’s latest iOS 16 update and it’s a good starting point for those of you weighing a move up from iOS 15. It will also help if you’re already on iOS 16 and you’re thinking about moving to the latest version.

We also recommend keeping an eye on YouTube, Apple’s discussion forums, social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, and the MacRumors forums for additional feedback about iOS 16’s performance.

How to Fix iOS 16 Problems

Some problems might require a fix from Apple in a future iOS 16 update. Others, you may be able to fix on your own.

Before you get in contact with Apple customer support, take a look at our list of fixes for the most common iOS 16 problems.

We’ve also released tips that could help you improve your device’s performance and a guide that shows you how to fix iOS 16 battery life problems. If you’re running into severe battery drain issues after installing iOS 16, have a look at those.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for in our guides, you should head on over to Apple’s discussion forums. If they can’t help you, you might want to get in contact with Apple Support via Twitter or via the company’s website.

If you still can’t fix your issue(s), you might want to schedule an appointment to see a Genius at your local Apple Store. They should be able to diagnose your problem.

iOS Downgrade Status

If you run into bugs or performance issues on iOS 16, you might try downgrading your iPhone’s software in an effort to improve its performance.

Apple recently stopped signing on iOS 16.5.1 which means you can’t downgrade back to the previous version of iOS 16. You can’t downgrade to iOS software older than iOS 16.5.1 either.

For more about how the downgrade process works, take a look at our walkthrough.

What’s Next

If your iPhone is struggling on iOS 16.6 or an older version of iOS, you might be on your own for a bit.

iOS 16.6 was the last known update in Apple’s iOS 16 pipeline, but it looks like the company is working on a new iOS 16.7 update. We expect it to roll out in September alongside Apple’s new iOS 17 operating system.

The company will push iOS 17 to the iPhone in the fall, likely sometime in mid-September. Unfortunately, Apple will drop support for three older iPhone models: iPhone X, iPhone 8, and iPhone 8 Plus. Those devices will stay on iOS 16.

With iOS 16.7 reportedly on the way, it looks like Apple will continue to support these devices with security patches and occasional bug fixes.

For more about iOS 17 and its release, have a look at our guide.

4 Reasons Not to Install iOS 16.6 & 11 Reasons You Should

Install iOS 16.6 for Better Security

Install iOS 16.6 for Better Security

If security is important to you, think about installing Apple's iOS 16.6 update on your iPhone right away.

The iOS 16.6 update delivers 16 security patches and they're important if you want to keep your iPhone protected from harm. For more information about the changes, check out Apple's rundown

As for older software, iOS 16.5.1 brought two security patches to iPhone users  If you want to learn more, head on over to Apple's website.

The company's iOS Security Response 16.5.1 (c) update also included a security update and you can learn more about it right here.

iOS 16.5 brought a ton of security patches to the iPhone. You can find out more about them over on Apple's security site.

iOS 16.4.1 included two security upgrades . You can learn more about the pair right here.

Apple's iOS 16.4 update had a substantial number of patches on board. You can read about them in detail over on Apple's security site.

The iOS 16.3.1 update had three security patches on board including one for an actively exploited vulnerability. For more on the security contents of iOS 16.3.1, check out Apple's security page.

 iOS 16.3 brought 10+ new security patches with it and you can learn more about all of those right here

In addition, the software came with support for physical security keys for Apple ID. These will beef up your account security by requiring a physical security key as part of the two factor authentication sign in process. Learn more about the change right here.

If you skipped iOS 16.2, you'll get its changes with iOS 16.6. iOS 16.2 brought a ton of important security patches with it and you can dig into the details on Apple's security site

The update also brought end-to-end encryption to iCloud, iMessage, iPhone backups, Notes, Photos, and more. If you want to learn more about it, head over to Apple's guide

If you decided to missed iOS 16.1.2, you'll get its solitary security patch with your upgrade. Learn more about it right here.

If you skipped iOS 16.1.1, you'll get its security patches when you upgrade. You can learn more about them right here.

If you missed the iOS 16.1 update, it brought 19 security patches to the iPhone and you can learn about the particulars of those over on Apple's website.

If you failed to download iOS 16.0.3, it had one security patch on board, a fix for a potential exploit within the Mail app. For more about the fix, check out Apple's security site.

If you're still running iOS 15 your iPhone, you'll get a bunch of other patches when you upgrade.

iOS 16.0 brought a ton of security patches to the iPhone. If you're interested in the exact nature of these improvements, you can read about them over on Apple's security website.

In addition to those patches, iOS 16 brings some additional enhancements to privacy and security including Safety Check which, according to Apple, will help "people in domestic or intimate partner violence situations review and reset the access they’ve granted others." 

The feature also resets system privacy permissions for apps and restricts Messages and FaceTime to the device on hand.

Apple's also made some improvements to Passkeys in Safari. iOS 16 brings a brand new sign-in method that's end-to-end encrypted and safe from phishing and data leaks. 

iOS 16 Problems: 5 Things You Need to Know is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.

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5 Things to Know About the iOS 16.4.1 Update Thu, 11 May 2023 16:57:57 +0000 5 Things to Know About the iOS 16.4.1 Update is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.

Apple’s pushed a new iOS 16.4.1 update to iPhone and the software is a small upgrade aimed at patching up security issues within the operating system. iOS 16.4.1 is a point release which means it’s focused on improving iOS 16. It doesn’t have any known features on board and it’s much smaller than the previous […]

5 Things to Know About the iOS 16.4.1 Update is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.

5 Things to Know About the iOS 16.4.1 Update is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.

Apple’s pushed a new iOS 16.4.1 update to iPhone and the software is a small upgrade aimed at patching up security issues within the operating system.

iOS 16.4.1 is a point release which means it’s focused on improving iOS 16. It doesn’t have any known features on board and it’s much smaller than the previous version of iOS 16, iOS 16.4. That being said, it’s still an extremely important release.

Apple’s also pushed a new iOS Security Response 16.4.1 (a) update to iPhone users. Rapid Security Responses are a new type of software release and they’ll arrive in between software updates. These releases are delivered only for the latest version of iOS.

With that in mind, we want to walk you through everything you need to know right now about Apple’s iOS 16.4.1 software for iPhone.

In the walkthrough below we’ll take you through iOS 16.4.1’s changes, the software’s performance, the current list of iOS 16.4.1 problems, the iOS 16 jailbreak status, and more. We’ll start with some quick thoughts on iOS 16.4.1’s performance.

iOS 16.4.1 Review

If your iPhone’s currently running iOS 16.4, you’ll see the smallest iOS 16.4.1 download size. Unless you’re really low on storage, you won’t have to make room for the download.

The iOS 16.4.1 download size depends on your iPhone model and the version of iOS it’s currently running. If your iPhone is running  a really old version of iOS, you may see a bigger download because iOS 16.4.1 update includes the changes from updates you skipped.

If you’re moving up from iOS 16.4, the iOS 16.4.1 installation process should take around 10 minutes to complete. It took about eight minutes to install on an iPhone 12 Pro.

As for the iOS Security Response 16.4.1 (a) update, it requires an 85.6MB download. Your iPhone will then quickly restart once the download completes.

We’ve been using iOS 16.4.1 on an iPhone 12 Pro for several weeks now and here’s what we’ve learned about the software’s performance thus far.


  • iOS 16.4.1 battery life is stable.
  • Wi-Fi connectivity is fast and reliable.
  • Bluetooth is working normally.
  • GPS and cellular data are working properly.

App Performance

  • Third-party apps including Netflix, Twitter, Slack, Gmail, Chrome, and Spotify are all working fine at the moment.
  • First party apps like Safari, Podcasts, and Calendar are also running properly.


  • iOS 16.4.1 feels fast and we haven’t run into any abnormal lag, lockups, or freezes.

If you’re dealing with bugs and/or performance issues on iOS 16.4, or an older version of iOS, you might want to install the iOS 16.4.1 update on your iPhone today.

If you need help making a decision, check out our reasons to, and not to, install the latest version of iOS 16 right now.

iOS 16.4.1 Problems

iOS 16.4.1’s causing problems for some iPhone users. Some problems are brand new, others have carried over from older versions of iOS like iOS 16.4.

The current list of iOS 16.4.1 problems includes abnormal battery drain, Bluetooth issues, Wi-Fi issues, installation issues, Exchange issues, problems with first and third-party apps, and more.

If you run into a problem with iOS 16.4.1, have a look at our list of fixes for the most common iOS 16 problems. We’ve also released tips that could help you improve your phone’s performance and some tips that could help fix bad battery life.

Apple recently stopped signing on iOS 16.4 which means you can’t drop your iPhone’s software back to older software if iOS 16.4.1 starts causing problems on your iPhone.

For more about the downgrade process, check out our guide.

iOS 16.4.1 Features

Apple’s point updates (x.x.x) are typically focused on patching up problems and that’s exactly what iOS 16.4.1 aims to do. Here’s the full list of changes straight from the Apple’s change log:

  • Fixes an issue where the pushing hands emoji does not show skin tone variations.
  • Fixes an issue where Siri does not respond in some cases.

iOS 16.4.1 also includes two important security patches that fix actively exploited vulnerabilities. You can read about the pair in detail over on Apple’s security site.

The iOS Security Response 16.4.1 (a) update also includes security updates, but Apple hasn’t detailed those yet and it’s unclear if it will.

iOS 16.4.1 Jailbreak

If you still jailbreak, make sure you avoid the iOS 16.4.1 update.

Developers have released a new jailbreak that works with iOS 15.0-iOS 16.2. Unfortunately, the jailbreak doesn’t work with iOS 16.4 and it’s only compatible with the iPhone X, iPhone 8, and iPhone 8 Plus.

We’ll let you know if that changes.

What’s Next

Apple’s working on a new iOS 16.5 update and the software will arrive next week.

For more about the iOS 16.5 update, have a look at our walkthrough. For more about the iOS 16.5 release date, check out our guide.

Apple will also release iOS 17 for iPhone later this year and we expect the first beta to drop in early June. For more about iOS 17, have a look at our guide.

4 Reasons Not to Install iOS 16.6 & 11 Reasons You Should

Install iOS 16.6 for Better Security

Install iOS 16.6 for Better Security

If security is important to you, think about installing Apple's iOS 16.6 update on your iPhone right away.

The iOS 16.6 update delivers 16 security patches and they're important if you want to keep your iPhone protected from harm. For more information about the changes, check out Apple's rundown

As for older software, iOS 16.5.1 brought two security patches to iPhone users  If you want to learn more, head on over to Apple's website.

The company's iOS Security Response 16.5.1 (c) update also included a security update and you can learn more about it right here.

iOS 16.5 brought a ton of security patches to the iPhone. You can find out more about them over on Apple's security site.

iOS 16.4.1 included two security upgrades . You can learn more about the pair right here.

Apple's iOS 16.4 update had a substantial number of patches on board. You can read about them in detail over on Apple's security site.

The iOS 16.3.1 update had three security patches on board including one for an actively exploited vulnerability. For more on the security contents of iOS 16.3.1, check out Apple's security page.

 iOS 16.3 brought 10+ new security patches with it and you can learn more about all of those right here

In addition, the software came with support for physical security keys for Apple ID. These will beef up your account security by requiring a physical security key as part of the two factor authentication sign in process. Learn more about the change right here.

If you skipped iOS 16.2, you'll get its changes with iOS 16.6. iOS 16.2 brought a ton of important security patches with it and you can dig into the details on Apple's security site

The update also brought end-to-end encryption to iCloud, iMessage, iPhone backups, Notes, Photos, and more. If you want to learn more about it, head over to Apple's guide

If you decided to missed iOS 16.1.2, you'll get its solitary security patch with your upgrade. Learn more about it right here.

If you skipped iOS 16.1.1, you'll get its security patches when you upgrade. You can learn more about them right here.

If you missed the iOS 16.1 update, it brought 19 security patches to the iPhone and you can learn about the particulars of those over on Apple's website.

If you failed to download iOS 16.0.3, it had one security patch on board, a fix for a potential exploit within the Mail app. For more about the fix, check out Apple's security site.

If you're still running iOS 15 your iPhone, you'll get a bunch of other patches when you upgrade.

iOS 16.0 brought a ton of security patches to the iPhone. If you're interested in the exact nature of these improvements, you can read about them over on Apple's security website.

In addition to those patches, iOS 16 brings some additional enhancements to privacy and security including Safety Check which, according to Apple, will help "people in domestic or intimate partner violence situations review and reset the access they’ve granted others." 

The feature also resets system privacy permissions for apps and restricts Messages and FaceTime to the device on hand.

Apple's also made some improvements to Passkeys in Safari. iOS 16 brings a brand new sign-in method that's end-to-end encrypted and safe from phishing and data leaks. 

5 Things to Know About the iOS 16.4.1 Update is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.

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